
Please see below for information if you have been referred by your GP to another service

Been referred for an x-ray?

Click here for more information

MSK (Musculoskeletal)/Physiotherapy Service

(this also includes referrals to Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Pain Medicine)

Contact telephone number: 01273 242054

Sussex MSK Partnership

Self referral link -

Sussex MSK website with lots of good info and exercises

Home - Sussex MSK Partnership

Who Are We? The Sussex MSK Partnership is a unique local, not for profit partnership bringing together primary care, specialist musculoskeletal care, community and mental health and well-being experts to deliver the whole musculoskeletal service in central Sussex.

Referral to a consultant - referral to secondary care

Contact the Referral Support Service on 01293 300270

NHS e-Referral Tracking

If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.

You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.

To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:

  • Your date of birth
  • Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
  • Password – this will be on the second page of your letter

To track an e-Referral, click here.